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American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy


American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy


The American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP) is the official publication of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). It publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers on contemporary drug therapy and pharmacy practice innovations in hospitals and health systems. With a circulation of more than 43,000, AJHP is the most widely recognized and respected clinical pharmacy journal in the world.


AJHP is the premier source for impactful, relevant, and cutting-edge professional and scientific content that drives optimal medication use and health outcomes.


The mission of AJHP is to advance science, pharmacy practice, and health outcomes.

Articles in AJHP are abstracted and indexed in PubMed and many other scientific databases. The views expressed by authors of contributions in AJHP do not necessarily reflect the policy of ASHP or the institution with which the author is affiliated unless this is clearly specified. Policy statements and official positions of ASHP are clearly labeled as such. Authors, reviewers, editorial board members, contributing editors, and AJHP editors are required to declare potential conflicts of interest regarding manuscripts submitted for publication.

AJHP Section and Columns

The AJHP sections that include unsolicited papers are described here for readers, prospective authors, and reviewers. Not every section is represented in every issue.

Word limits, which appear after Section and Column names, refer to the major text and do not include the abstract, reference list, or key points. Allowances for graphics (tables or figures) are in addition to word limits and refer to the estimated final size in the printed journal. For every page of the graphics allowance not used, 600 more words of the text are allowed (except in Letters).

Sections of AJHP

Clinical Reviews (4,000 words plus 3 pages of graphics): Literature reviews that focus primarily on a drug or disease and its treatment, with emphasis on pharmacotherapy. Drug reviews are detailed, analytic reviews of the clinical use of new drugs. Evaluative literature reviews are preferred to reviews that are simply descriptive.

Therapy Updates (4,000 words plus 3 pages of graphics): Concise analytic reviews of narrowly defined, important topics in pharmacotherapy; not intended to be comprehensive reviews of drugs or of diseases and their treatment. Articles that focus on new or emerging standards in drug therapy receive priority.

Clinical Consultations (4,000 words plus 3 pages of graphics): Brief advice on how to handle specific drug therapy problems. The answers are based on a systematic review of the literature that focuses on the specific question.

Case Reports (2,500 words plus 2 pages of graphics): Articles that (1) describe unusual drug reactions or pharmacotherapy-related issues or uses, or (2) provide valuable information particularly for teaching purposes. Cases encountered by clinical practitioners, residents, or students, and referred to drug information centers may be especially appropriate. Papers should clearly present the case and include all pertinent and appropriate patient information, establish a causal relationship with objective measurement, explain the case’s contribution to the literature, and describe how the lessons from the case can be applied.

Primers (4,000 words plus 3 pages of graphics): Intended as introductions to various fields of knowledge that are of interest to pharmacists in health systems. Can be reviews of basic information in areas related to the pharmacy (e.g., pharmaceutics or physiology) or those further from the mainstream of pharmacy (e.g., advances in non-drug healthcare technology).

Reports (Clinical Research Reports, Practice Research Reports, descriptive reports) (3,500 words plus 3 pages of graphics): Articles that (1) report original research, including clinical research on the effects of drugs in humans, surveys, drug stability studies, and evaluations of innovative pharmaceutical services and (2) describe (without substantive evaluations) innovative pharmaceutical services.

Notes (2,500 words plus 2 pages of graphics): Includes (1) practical innovations or solutions to everyday practice problems, (2) updates or elaborations on work previously published by the same authors, (3) confirmations of research findings previously published by others, and (4) short research reports, including practice surveys, of modest scope or interest. The text should be concise, and the number of references, tables, and figures should be limited.

Case Studies (3,500 words plus 3 pages of graphics): Approaches to managing practice-related problems in health systems. Problem-solving, not hypothesis testing, is emphasized.

Commentaries (2,000 words plus 2 pages of graphics): Well-reasoned expressions of opinion on issues related to drug therapy, clinical research, the role of pharmacists in society, or healthcare (especially policy matters related to pharmaceutical services and to the therapeutic use of drugs).

Medication-Use Technology (3,500 words plus 3 pages of graphics): Describes experiences with and implications of new technologies applied in the medication-use process, including but not limited to computerized prescriber order entry, barcoding, electronic medical records, and other automation. Papers should focus on selection, planning, implementation, resources, integration of existing information, and lessons learned.

Pharmacy Abroad (2,000 words): Brief, informal, and topical communications related to the pharmacy in other countries. Contributions from pharmacists who live or have traveled abroad are welcome.

Reflections (2,000 words): Short contributions about the non-technical sides of life. Satirical writings, literary pieces, histories, and essays about family life, work, nature, art, literature, entertainment, travel, or modern society. Submissions are evaluated mainly for the quality of the writing.

AJHP Columns

Letters (750 words plus 1 page of graphics, but no additional text allowed if graphics not used): A forum for rapid exchange of ideas among readers of AJHP. Liberal criteria are applied in the review of submissions to encourage contributions to this column. The Letters column includes the following types of contributions: (1) comments, addenda, and minor updates on previously published work, (2) alerts on potential problems in practice, (3) observations or comments on trends in drug use, (4) opinions on apparent trends or controversies in drug therapy or clinical research, (5) opinions on public health issues of interest to pharmacists in health systems, (6) comments on ASHP activities, and (7) human interest items about life as a pharmacist. Reports of adverse drug reactions must present a reasonably clear description of causality. Short papers on practice innovations and other original work are included elsewhere in AJHP.
The following conditions must be adhered to: (1) the body of the letter must be no longer than two typewritten pages, (2) the use of references and tables should be minimized, (3) the number of authors should be no more than three, (4) the authors’ names, affiliations, and mailing addresses must be typed at the end of the letter in the format used by AJHP, and (5) the entire letter (including references, tables, and authors’ names) must be typed double-spaced.

Alternative Therapies (2,000 words plus 1 page of graphics): Short reviews of herbals and other “nutraceuticals” for which there is some scientific evidence of effectiveness.

Frontline Pharmacist (2,000 words plus 1 page of graphics): Provides pharmacists an opportunity to share their experiences and pertinent lessons related to day-to-day practice. Topics include workplace innovations, cooperating with peers, communicating with other professionals, dealing with management, handling technical issues related to pharmacy practice, and supervising technicians.

Informatics Interchange (2,000 words plus 1 page of graphics): Provides readers an opportunity to share their experiences with information technology in pharmacy. Topics should focus on the use of information technology in the medication use process, informatics pearls, informatics education … Read the rest


Health and Wellness Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water

Filtered water is contaminant-free. It doesn’t have the harmful impurities or chemicals you are likely to find in regular tap water. The water filtration process usually removes unpleasant microscopic contaminants including heavy metals while retaining all the important minerals. Besides that, filtering also helps to enhance its quality and as a result, the water usually has an improved taste. So, why should you drink filtered water?

Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water

Some of the benefits of drinking filtered water include:

Odorless Water

One feature that gives water its unique property is its odorless nature. However, the tap water in our kitchens doesn’t come with this feature. If you want to quench your thirst with the kitchen tap water, the strange odor will quickly turn you off.

Well, this normally happens because tap water is treated with a broad range of chemicals. Besides that, there are also chances that it may contain heavy metals that give it its unattractive taste and smell. This makes the water generally unpalatable.

Even though the intensity of the odor usually varies depending on your location, it’s usually unbearable for most people to drink this kind of water. The benefit of drinking filtered water is that the unpalatable smell will quickly become a thing of the past.


Like it’s stated above, the tap water in our homes is processed with lots of chemicals. Water treatment facilities normally use several types of chemicals to create a potent mix that can effectively kill microorganisms. In doing so, however, they end up degrading the quality of water by infusing it with many chemicals. This usually includes chloramine and chlorine.

It should be noted that while these chemicals are effective in killing microorganisms that can cause bacterial infections, once they get into your system they become contaminants that can still cause other unwanted medical issues.

Filtered water on the other hand is contaminant – and chemical-free. The quality of the water is usually good because it’s not exposed to contaminants that could harm your body.

Minimizes the Risk of Water-Borne Diseases

While water treatment facilities do their part in ensuring that the water processed is safe for consumption, there is little that can be done to completely eliminate the risk of water-borne diseases.

The water delivery system in most municipalities usually involves the use of aging infrastructure. This means that the pipes are corroded, often leak, and can easily break. As a result, the chances of a harmful microorganism finding its way to your domestic water supply are high.

That’s why there has been an increase in the number of water-borne diseases as a result of exposure to Escolar bacteria. However, you can reduce the risk of microorganism threat and protect yourself by drinking filtered water. The filtration process usually eliminates pathogens and kill the ability of microorganisms to reproduce.

Improves Metabolism

Clinical studies indicate that filtered water can help to speed up the process of metabolism. It should be noted that metabolic processes are vital for the functioning of the body. This type of water facilitates better nutrient absorption that’s vital for metabolism.

Reports indicate that families or individuals who consume filtered water in their homes generally consume more water. You should understand that water is the main component in facilitating the process of metabolism. A combination of filtered water and increased physical activity can significantly enhance the rate of metabolism and overall health.

Enhances Nutrient Absorption

People who drink filtered water are more likely to be healthy because it helps to enhance the process of nutrient absorption. The alkaline content in ionized filtered water improves bioavailability, thereby increasing the rate at which the food nutrients and water molecules are absorbed through the digestive lining into the bloodstream.

Improves the Digestive Function

The body naturally needs water to function properly. But the fact that filtered water improves metabolism and nutrient uptake means that it’s also effective in improving digestive health.

If you are going to use filtered water, then you are going to consume more of it. This helps to improve the process of digestion and ensure that things are moving, in relation to waste removals. That’s why those who drink this type of water are less likely to suffer from stomach ulcers and constipation.

Accelerates Weight Loss

If you are on your weight loss journey and you’re not experiencing significant change, then it’s time you incorporate filtered water into your diet regimen. Well, it’s not like this type of water is a miracle worker, but it will definitely accelerate your weight loss journey.

But how exactly does filtered waterworks to do this? Well, unlike your usual tap water, the consumption of filtered water is usually high. If you are using it then you will take an averagely good amount daily.

This helps to improve the digestive process that’s essential for weight loss and accelerate the rate of metabolism which is important for the burning of excess body fat. Filtered water gets your body working and the eventual effect is that you will end up burning more calories.

Note: for great results, always drink your filtered water a few minutes before your meal times in order to curb your water. This way, you will end up feeling fuller and therefore eat less. Understand that if you are going to drink more water, then you will less likely crave sugary drinks that lead to weight gain.

Reduces Acid Reflux

Filtered alkaline water has been found to be effective in reducing heartburn or acid reflux. Research studies indicate that the alkaline concentration in the water helps to change the PH levels in the digestive system.

It acts by neutralizing the acidic build-up that normally leads to the development of heartburn, an annoying and uncomfortable burning sensation in the esophagus. Generally, filtered alkaline water with a PH level of around 8.8 can be effective in inactivating the human pepsin. It’s considered to be more effective than conventional drinking water.

Improves Nail, Skin, and Hair Health

More water consumption leads to the production of collagen and other protein elements that are important for the development of healthy hair, skin, and nails.

The health benefit of drinking water filtration system from a unit like the AquaOx whole house filter or the Aquasana whole house filter is that it’s contaminant-free. With its good quality. Your skin will be well-nourished while your hair will be radiant. Additionally, your nails will also be strong. Filtered water minimizes the chances of developing frizzy and dry hair. It prevents the skin from drying up while it helps to ensure that your nail isn’t brittle.

Leads to Better Blood Flow

Currently, there are millions of people with high blood pressure. This is a prevalent health condition that affects people worldwide. High blood pressure has no cure and the available drugs are only for management purposes.

But there is a way water can help to reduce the harmful side effects of this condition. Filtered water plays a crucial role in facilitating hydration and its contaminant-free nature makes it ideal for the management of this condition.

It should be noted that if your body isn’t well-hydrated, chances are that your blood pressure will spike due to the thickening and clogging of … Read the rest